It is known –from Chrysanthos’ Great Theory of Music– that “ethe in melopoeia were three, the diastaltic, the systaltic and the hesychastic. They were called ethe, because by them the state of the soul was observed and corrected. Diastaltic ethos is the one by which majesty and virile disposition of the soul, heroic deeds and related passions are expressed. Tragedy uses this ethos most and among the others, the ones that preserve this character. This ethos is idiosyncratic of our first and third echos. Systaltic is the ethos by which the soul is driven to humility and to cowardly disposition. This state of soul fits to erotic passions, laments, compassions and the like. This ethos is idiosyncratic of our second echos and all the plagals except the barys. Hesychastic is the one which is followed by serenity of the soul and a state of freedom and peacefulness. It suits to hymns, paeans, songs of praise and the like. This ethos is idiosyncratic of our echos barys and our first echos”. According to the above observations it is obvious that an internal (and strong) connection between any specific “Ethos” of Byzantine Melopoeia and some of Byzantine Music Modes exists. So, in the present paper we would like to explore the functionality of Byzantine Music Modes through a spectral analysis in the PRAAT environment (open source), connecting the visual and sound aspects of those modes which represent different moods (“ethe”). The analysis will be focused on the common energy of each mode as well as on the composing structure of any individual melodies, while taking into account the particular intervallic variety and expressive analysis, obtained when performing and decoding the Byzantine notation. We believe that visualizing Byzantine Music Modes through Acoustic Analysis, having as a main source the performer’s voice, we would create an excellent media, helping any potential student to understand better the functionality of Byzantine Music Modes and their aesthetical relationship with the sense of the so-called “Ethos” of the Byzantine Melopoeia.