Συμμετεῖχα μὲ ἀνακοίνωση ὑπὸ τὸν τίτλο: Illustrating Melodies: Iconographical Instructions into Byzantine Music Theory and Practice [1].

Νὰ σημειωθεῖ ἐπιπλέον ἐδῶ ὅτι ὀργάνωσα καὶ ἡγήθηκα ὁμίλου Ἑλλήνων συναδέλφων, μαζὶ μὲ τοὺς ὁποίους καὶ μετείχαμε στὸ παραπάνω συνέδριο ὡς ἑνιαία ἐρευνητικὴ ὁμάδα· ὁ ἐν λόγῳ ὅμιλος ἀπετελεῖτο ἀπὸ τοὺς ἑξῆς συναδέλφους ποὺ εἰσηγήθηκαν, ἀντίστοιχα, τὰ ἀκόλουθα παρεμφερῆ θέματα:  Thomas Apostolopoulos: Diagrams andKanoniaas Visual Representations of Musical Instruments in the Theory of Psaltic Art / Michalis Stroumpakis: Byzantine Iconography and Byzantine Church Music: two parallel paths / Meri Kumbe: The Music through the Iconography in the Albanian Churches / Demetrios Balageorgos: Imaging the Holy Trinity with Words and Music / Vasileios Salteris: Music as Iconography: the case of a Despoticon Sticheron / Flora Kritikou: Abbot Sisoes’ lamentation: a composition with iconographical origin

[1] Βλ. http://isocm.com/conferences/2013/index.html  & http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7-RBilb8GR5NxiZKuCx3HjvEpwr2dxgw